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  Like other institutions of higher learning across America, Harvard University is working through the legal and ethical issues concerning sexual relations on campus, including those involving faculty and students.


  Harvard announced this week that no member of the university’s Faculty of Arts and Sciences “shall request or accept sexual favors from, or initiate or engage in a romantic or sexual relationship with, any undergraduate student at Harvard College.” Graduate students are prohibited from relationships with undergraduates “if the graduate student is in a position to grade, evaluate, or supervise the undergraduate.”


  The relationship between professors and students can be seen as a subtler version of circumstances in the US military, where romantic affairs involving subordinates by rank can end careers – or worse. Likewise, such on-campus relationships can come with the same policy complications as those between bosses and employees in the business world.


  “Some schools have a tiny minority of professors who use their popularity and prestige to empower themselves, and students respond to it,” University of Cincinnati professor Billie Wright Dziech, coauthor of “The Lecherous Professor: Sexual Harassment on Campus,” told Bloomberg News. “This is a very, very serious problem for higher education.”

  辛辛那提大学教授Billie在接受Bloomberg News的采访时说:“一些学校的少数教授会利用自己的威望引诱学生,这在高等教育中是一个非常严重的问题。


